It’s the Half-way Point
We are nearing the Half-way point of the year! Each year I set goals. I don’t like to call them resolutions because it isn’t usually something I want to give up or change about myself but it is actionable goals to create the life I want.
This year I made a lot of my goals about personal growth and development. I needed to focus on making myself healthy mentally and physically so I could be the best hairstylist and educator out there.
Many years I look back and I didn’t accomplish what I set out to do and some years I do. But here we are about half-way through the year so I’m looking to see how my goals are coming and deciding how I am going to move forward.
How do your yearly goals look?
Is it time to make a new goal?
Do you feel like the goal you set for the year doesn’t serve you anymore? Toss it and set a new one!
Is it time to celebrate a goal already achieved?
Did you achieve your goal already? Let’s CELEBRATE!!
Is it time to buckle down on your goal?
Does it seem like there still isn’t enough time to achieve your goal? Go back to the blog about how to overcome a set back and lets make a new plan for that goal and DO IT!
I know you can achieve amazing things!
How to Overcome a Set Back
It is inevitable in life to have everything go right. I wish that it did but we all know at some point something will go wrong. It is not what happens but how we react to it that makes the difference in how we move forward.
In my life, I have had plenty of setbacks, from medical problems to business deals falling through to friends stabbing me in the back. Each one of those things brought on a host of emotions and challenges for what to do to move forward. And over the years I have learned a few things to do that helped me move past the hurt and frustration on to the next great adventure. Some of these things I learned from doing the wrong way and if I could go back I would take this advice.
I believe it is important to feel your feelings. Happiness, sadness, disappointment, frustration. We need to feel them. I spent a lot of years just pretending to not have feelings on the outside, but at home, I was overwhelmed with emotions. I didn’t think I could tell anyone I was struggling or that I was disappointed with the outcome. I always had to be happy and positive through everything. Why though? Couldn’t tell you honestly but I thought that was the best way, to ignore and move on. It kept me holding on to past hurts because I had to not felt the emotion and wasn’t able to let go.
Set a time limit to feel.
Don’t stay in the feelings forever but give yourself a time limit. Some things need more time than others. A day, a week, a month, even just a couple of hours. Set a time to feel and then move on.
This is the step we miss a lot! After you have felt some feelings self-care is vital. Spa day, long walk, shopping, or even a shower. What you do for self-care is up to you. Do the thing that makes you feel joy and relaxed. It should only be for you not for anyone else. This step is the one that helps me out of my feelings. I was given the advice once that if I felt stuck then MOVE. It seems simple but I even had to go take a walk while writing this because I had stared at the screen for too long. Sometimes the simplest answer is the right one. If you don’t know what to do just do anything. Just start moving.
Sometimes things fell apart and don’t work out as you like and that sucks!!! BUT let's make a plan to move forward. Sometimes the plan is just to keep pushing forward because the setback didn’t take away from the goal. And sometimes we need to regroup and move in a completely different direction. Write out the pros and cons for the long and short term and write down a plan for your new goal. Don’t stay here, move forward to your next great thing!
I haven’t always done these steps perfectly and I still always don’t but these are the steps I go back to when I don’t know what to do. Life is full of unexpected but wonderful things. I hope these steps help you or give you your own ideas for overcoming setbacks.
Click the HERE for books that have helped me learn more about myself and have helped me overcome setbacks. Listed under the mind and body tap.
Hairstylist BurnOut
Being a hairstylist is a job, a great one, but more often I consider myself an artist. Something I know about other artists is that they need to be inspired to create. Musicians, writers, and painters need to have the inspiration to create their art. When I started seeing myself as an artist and allowed myself space to feel inspired things changed.
We hear a lot about “burnout” in our industry and I believe that comes from our lack of feeling inspired. Here are a few ways I recognize that I am feeling burned out and how I gain inspiration to continue to deliver the art that my clients love and that makes them feel beautiful.
How I know I’m “burnt-out”
I start running LATE. I’m running late to the salon because honestly, I don’t want to be there. I will find things to do at home that use way too much time and then be angry and stressed because now I am late. Neither of which is helping my burnout. I have also noticed when burnout begins I run behind during the salon day, this also adds to stress and makes the burnout worst.
I feel like I have NOTHING to wear. I can imagine myself standing in my closest and nothing I have to wear I like anymore. We have all been there. Truth is I have clothes to wear but nothing is what I want to wear because what I want to wear is my PJs. Also when burnout starts simple tasks like doing laundry seem like way too much so many of my clothes end up being dirty.
Looking for something NEW to make me happy. I will start looking for new hobbies and things to keep my interest. I am uninspired with work and I’m seeking inspiration to fill that need I have.
Have you ever felt this way?
Here are some ways I feel respired to create
Take a CLASS. Nothing is better than being around like-minded friends who understand what you go through daily and can share in your same struggles and joys.
Take a day OFF. I am a believer in working hard and pushing yourself past what you think is your limit to know your true poetical but sometimes enough is enough and having a day off is the best medicine. When I say off I mean truly off. No phone, OFF.
My BURN OUT playlist. I created a playlist of music that puts me in the mood to work. Starts a little in my feels, then makes me want to dance, then unlocks my true Bad B* poetical.
Spotify Playlist HERE
Apple Playlist HERE