It’s the Half-way Point

We are nearing the Half-way point of the year! Each year I set goals. I don’t like to call them resolutions because it isn’t usually something I want to give up or change about myself but it is actionable goals to create the life I want.

This year I made a lot of my goals about personal growth and development. I needed to focus on making myself healthy mentally and physically so I could be the best hairstylist and educator out there.

Many years I look back and I didn’t accomplish what I set out to do and some years I do. But here we are about half-way through the year so I’m looking to see how my goals are coming and deciding how I am going to move forward.

How do your yearly goals look?

Is it time to make a new goal?

Do you feel like the goal you set for the year doesn’t serve you anymore? Toss it and set a new one!

Is it time to celebrate a goal already achieved?

Did you achieve your goal already? Let’s CELEBRATE!!

Is it time to buckle down on your goal?

Does it seem like there still isn’t enough time to achieve your goal? Go back to the blog about how to overcome a set back and lets make a new plan for that goal and DO IT!

I know you can achieve amazing things!


How to Overcome a Set Back